This survey aims to determine current practices and potential barriers that General Practitioners (GP’s) face when providing preconception and antenatal care to women for alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking and gestational weight gain. This information will be used to develop appropriate strategies to support GP’s working in the Hunter and New England regions to provide such care to women.

The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Please note that participating in this survey is completely voluntary. All answers you provide are strictly confidential. By completing the survey, it is implied that you give your consent to participate.

The information provided will be used to identify what support is needed to best meet the needs of GP’s in providing preconception and antenatal care for health risk behaviours. Research reports that are based on the survey information will not identify any individual participant or their answers.

The research team conducting this survey consists of people from Hunter New England Population Health, University of Newcastle, Hunter Primary Care and Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute.

For any questions or further information about this survey, please contact:

Dr Melanie Kingsland

Program Manager, Population Health, Hunter New England Local Health District

Phone: 4924 6673


This survey has been approved by the HNELHD Human Research Ethics Committee (reference number: 2019/ETH12167). Should you have any concerns about your rights as a participant in this research, or you have a complaint about the manner in which the research is conducted, it may be given to the researcher, or, if an independent person is preferred, to Dr Nicole Gerrand, Manager Research Ethics and Governance, Hunter New England Local Health District, Locked Bag 1, New Lambton NSW 2305, telephone (02) 49214950, email

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